Friday 16 November 2012

Jesus is Lord

Jesus is lord

I'm not really sure why I have made this a separate blog entry. I guess because I'm hoping that it will be a significant moment in my life.

For many years I have been a Christian and have gone to church with my parents. I have given my life to Christ although for a few I guess I have let it slip. God really challenged me about where I stand and what I stand for!

I was in Napier, New Zealand, I had and evening on my own, with not much to do so I decided to go and get fish and chips, park up and sit by the waterfront! I also decided to read my bible and I ended up reading from the book of Romans and it was talk about confessing Jesus as Lord not just with my mouth but also with my heart!

Usually when I read the bible I just read and don't think about it, but I decided to take my time and really think about what I was reading! The thing that struck me was confessing with you heart!! I mean what does that mean?

I started think about a football match I had been to and how some of the fans you could see how much they loved there team! The way they sung, the way they shouted at the ref and just the way that when ever something happened it was almost as if every fan was playing the match in there head! I thought what is it that make fans do that? Maybe it's heart!

I think the heart is just you your desire to do something, so when it say confess with your heart, I think it means just to really want to do it!

So I prayed that God would help me to have that heart and not just confess him with my mouth, but also with my heart! For those fans the way they acted you could tell they loved their team. This is something I need to change (I'm still trying to) so if I am to say I'm a Christian, but act like I'm not then all I'm doing is giving myself a nickname and saying empty words.

So I hope this made sense and wasn't to heavy handed, but this year is a chance for God to work dramatically in my life and I can't wait to see where he leads me next!

Jesus is Lord


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