Wednesday 14 November 2012

Brentford on the move - part 2

After the tour we headed up to the corrimandal to stay with lovely elderly lady name Jill! Her house was amazing stepping on to the balcony you could see the mountains, the sea and beaches! It was stunning! I have never seen such a gorgeous view! We had dinner and spent the rest of the evening playing phrases 10!!

Next was awesome we went to cathedral cove which is where they filmed the latest nania movie! We Took a kayak tour there and it was a fantastic day, we then went to hot water beach. As you can work out is a hot water beach, you have you dig down and find the hot springs and its was amazing and i think I enjoyed the digging with the spade more than the hot springs ( I'm a big kid at heart). Then we relax and spoke to a Dutch couple and then went for fish and chips!

Next day was awesome I woke up early and watched the sunrise, we went to whitianga, went down the 309 road which apparently takes 3hrs 9mins to travel by horse and cart! We did a lot of driving but stopped on the way at scenic destinations. It was another good day and fairly relaxed!

Next morning we said goodbye to Jill and headed to Rotorua and picked up Paul (Jaisha's other half) and so after parking up we split up! Jaisha and Paul went off and did coupley things and me and Miriam went to see the Maori village called Whakarewarewa. It was really interesting the different community and culture,. It was a tour village and there was a performance afterward which was epic and me and Miriam got our photos taken with them! Then we went for coffee, when to our camp ground! Jaisha then decided it was a good idea to cook noddles in a coffee plunger because she could be bothered to use a sauce pan! Then we went out for pizza and me and Miriam went to a hot water spa it was really nice and really relaxing and Miriam was good company and we had some good conversations.

Next day we went to tauranga to stay with Mike and Charlie. Miriam was flying out that day and jaisha, paul and myself were stay with mike and charlie :) so they took us up the hill and the view was amazing, every view in New Zealand just seems to get better and better! We then said goodbye to Miriam :( and went for coffee at a garden centre! Then beach, dinner at mike and Charlie's and jungle speed! I also tried my first ever tim tam slam which was amazing which if you've ever had one you will know what I'm on about! :) then some more Oakhall reminiscing and bed!

Then we drove up to Auckland and that is the end of the Matilda adventures!

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