Sunday 23 December 2012

Hanging looooooose in the South Island (part 1)!!!

Ok so on to the next road trip  - woop woop!

So the morning of our road trip down south me and tim woke up and had breakfast with our road trip buddies Roelof (Kiwi) and Sander (Dutch) a fry up is always good at the start of a journey and so we then said goodbye to the Birches and headed for Wellington to catch our ferry to the south island. By the time we had got to the ferry we had picked out road trip song which was thift shopping by macklemore and we had chosen our trip phrase which was 'Hang looooooose' this was to be said whenever we wanted and came with an action (please see photos for demonstration of the hang loose sign).

We did get the ferry and had a long four hour ride to Picton and the ferry ride was amazing, the scenery was amazing and as we arrived it was simple awesome. So we got off the ferry and headed for Nelson and taking many pictures along the way. We had 5 dollar domino's and headed for the Palace hostel, to save ourselves a bit of money two of us would sleep in the Hilux and two in the hostel. the hostel was a little quiet and so we all a little bored.

Next morning we wanted to get to Greymouth on the west coast of the south island, again the scenery was awesome, but unfortunately the Hilux had car trouble so we never made it to Greymouth, the car was just drinking so much water so we decided to head back to nelson so that we could take the car back on the ferry, but as cars like that do it seem to fix itself, it wasn't drinking as much water and the temperature on the engine wasn't getting so hot. So we decided to stay one more night in the Nelson backpackers, this time it was a lot better we met some really awesome people and had a good evening.

So the next morning we head back south as the car was ok we head to Franz Josef. The weather was good in the morning and we stopped in Greymouth and had another 5 dollar domino's (don't worry we did eat other food) and ended up sitting on this really awesome beach for an hour or two. We then headed to Franz Josef and stayed in another hostel called the Montreal backpackers and we all chilled for the first evening!

Next morning was wet and rainy and to be honest i thought i was back in the U.K. So we had a morning of deciding what to do with our day and eventually decided  to go see some kiwi bird at the Franz Josef kiwi bird centre we spent 30 bucks to see just three kiwi birds im not gonna lie it was a bit of a rip off. So we let of some frustration and decided we didn't care about getting wet and decided to walk the Franz Josef glazier and so the walk was pretty nice even in the drizzle and wet it was a good walk. Headed back to the hostel where Tim cooked some food and we played jungle speed with a few other guys from the hostel.

Now before I go any further Fox Glazier and Franz Josef have nothing interesting other than walks to glaziers and maybe to odd tourist trap coffee shop, not for a young lad of 22 anyway (each to there own and all that). After a good nights sleep we decided to go to Fox Glazier anyway and we went on a fox glazier walk as well and again the weather was a bit rubbish but it was good banter. In the evening we stayed at a hostel in Fox Glazier this time and we went for a drive out toward Mt Cook lookout and because of the weather we could see Mt Cook so we decided to head toward this beach and it after a few days of not much to do we discovered this beach and it was amazing having a Hilux is useful because you can drive along the beach and it was awesome all for our us (including Sander the driver) we handing out the doors driving down the beach it was so cool (slightly dangerous) and so fun. After taking lots of photos on the beach. we headed back to boring Fox Glazier.

end of part one


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