Saturday 20 October 2012

I've arrived!

Ok so here is my first blog outside of the UK! I have had are really good send off from some amazing people in ringwood. I gonna miss you all!

So I'm currently in Auckland stay with a wonderful family Dave, Fiona and there nearly 6 mouth year old baby Emily! This is a good place to get over Jet lag and oh yes I definitely got over that a nice long 12hr sleep, a shower and a shave (btw I have no plans on doing the normal traveller look although this may change depending on how lazy I become with the shaver) all is good! :) So far I have sorted out my IRD (new Zealand tax) and have got a SIM card for my phone (if you would like this number ask my on Facebook please). Anyway I have been relaxing so far reading an actual book, have been introduced to lion rock by Dave in Piha. As well as being introduced to pineapple lumps (chocolate with pineapple and they taste amazing) also kiwi fish and chips and have just come back from roskill baptist church. The sermon was good and was talking about us enjoying serving God and how it's not wrong serve God and also enjoy doing it! Was a little distracted by the fact that the guy leading looked like Frodo from Lord of the Rings! Also went to have a look at some ww2 bunkers with David, it was extremely wet and we wimped out and went for a hot chocolate! All in all its been good so far and I'm look forward seeing Jo and the rest of the Cakebread family!



1 comment:

  1. Good blogging, Blitzy! Keep it up - and maybe aim for a new blog entry every couple of days/weeks/months... OK, once a year then:) DAD
