Tuesday 23 October 2012

Cakebread's and Roadtrip

Ok so i have left Auckland by bus to Cambridge to see Jo Cakebread and the rest of the Cakebread clan who are all awesome . Jo showed me around Cambridge (so countdown, mitre 10 and kiwi bank) . We also did a road trip to Rotorua which smells like eggs (sulphur). So we went up this mountain and on to this Sky-swing which is this massive sort of ball you sit in and it hoists you up and then you pull this leaver where Jo was bricking herself and then we went on the luges where I fell off because I was being too competitive and also ignoring the big red sign that told me to slow down! Then after going down on the gondala we then went to find so volcanic activities and took some sock monkey photos, then a Cakebread's BBQ.

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