Sunday 4 August 2013

Let all that you do be done in love!

Hello everyone 

Apologies for how long it has been since I last post a blog. These past couple of months at Bethelwoods have just been life changing. 

I came to Bethelwoods two years ago and I can honestly say that the expectation that this years camp would be the same was wrong. God has this strange way of taking your expectation completely flipping it, twisting it and making it into something more beautiful and majestic that we could ever have imagined.

I have met some really amazing people this summer, I have been blessed to enter in to this awkward/diverse/strangely dynamic group of people. There are people at camp from 5 mins down the road and people for the otherwise of the world. There are people who are so extrovert that its annoying and some people that are so introvert that you feel you should prod them to try and get a response. There have been time of laughter, times of tear, time of frustration and a lot if God moments. 

Bethelwoods has been a huge part of my life and It has been an amazing experience watching campers from two years ago coming back and seeing then growing more in their faith. A lot of the campers from two years ago came back to do the L.I.T. (leadership in training) and C.I.T (Counselor in training) which made me very proud and blessed by God. 

Ephesians 3:20-21
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen. 

This verse seem to have been my verse for this year at camp because I have just found this amazing joy from working with these kids. Being able to inspire them, watch them and share God's word with them.

A particular group of camper that I will never forget we're my LIT group. This was a group that I was a Counselor for two weeks and I loved it. These 13/14 year olds amazed me every single day. The way that this group of seven started out this awkward and shy group and by the end of these two weeks and they became this beautiful example of a family. At closing program when I said goodbye to this group of seven I was pretty emotional. The most inspiring part of these weeks was my Co-Counselor Dianna and as we went through the book of Ephesians with our L.I.T I watched in awe as Dianna just filled these young leaders with knowledge and wisdom that could only come from know Jesus. These bible studies we where I saw God beauty as these LIT became more and more in love with the discussion and in so doing so became more in love with Jesus. I am so thankful for my LIT and the this experience. 

So I feel like this post was a bit all over the place and I feel like there are a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes. I'm not to worried about that as long as God is glorified through this blog then that's all I care about.

So thanks for reading this blog and for your prayers and concerns.

God Bless


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