Sunday 9 November 2014

The Moorlands Mountain

Hello Everyone,

So it has been a long time since I last posted and the reason is because life not travelling can seem a little more dull and boring.

Although I have learnt that God moves through our still and boringness. So what has happened in this last year?

So I have come back from New Zealand with the intention of going to Bible college. Being a very practical person the thought of writing essays and pick up that object known as a pen can seem a little bit like asking an Eskimo if he has got any sun cream. So I tried to ignore that nagging sense that I should be at Moorlands Bible college.

I therefore continued to garden and try to grow my business. Although I found as the months went on that I had an increasing lack of motivation and as time went on, I eventually can to the conclusion that it was God telling me that I needed to do something more rewarding. Although it has taken me a long time to actually take that step of faith and move out of my comfort zone into a life of study. I didn't want to commit fully straight away as, so I decided to help out with my youth group at Poulner Baptist.

 A close friend and myself took over responsibility for a group called After Eights. It was great being able to lead bible studies in this way as well as getting to know the other leaders of After Eights. It was also great to be able to get to know the young people that came as well. We tried to do a bible studies make fun and interactive with games, meals, conversations and every time we did a session I always felt that the leaders learnt more than the young people and it was great to be able to learn together. We even took about two full cars of young people up to London to see Hillsongs. I especially learnt a lot and it was a huge encouragement to me. Although there were hurdles and difficult situations it was great to be with a group of leaders who were learning together.

Some of you will remember if you have keep up to date with my previous posts that Miriam and myself broke up shortly before my return to the UK. Main reason was because of the strong call I felt to return to the UK and we were both uncertain as to where our relationship was heading. It was a tough decision but we prayed about it and both felt it was the right decision.

I arrived back in the UK end of October.

Miriam had already booked ticket beforehand to come to the UK  to visit my family around Christmas. Miriam and myself still maintained our friendship and even though we had broken up she still came to visit me and my family. Anyway long story short (long but good) myself and Miriam got back together after a month of Miriam's return to New Zealand, lots of prayer and asking questions of one another. Although the challenge was the eight months of waiting before we could be in the same hemisphere. The waiting, Skype chats, letter writing and emailing.

Finally in August I went to New Zealand for three week and Miriam came back to the UK for about four weeks.

 In which time we also got engaged!!! (with a Doctor Who Tardis!!)

It was my relationship with Miriam and waiting when I really learnt about patiences and trusting in God. I really believe that he has been faithful to Miriam and myself and this has allowed me to be faithful to him and so I applied to Moorlands.

I was accepted on the course for this year and I am currently already through my first- half a term and it is a struggle and sometimes it feels like trying to put the star shaped toy in the round hole and other times things just click into place. 

My first lecture and essay really sum up the past year and my journey ahead.

In my first lecture Nelson Mandela was quoted ' It always seemed impossible until it was done'

In my first essay I wrote about Eric Liddell and just before he ran his famous race in 1924 he received a note with a quote from 1 Samuel 'they that honour me I will honour them.'

So with that in mind I pray that as I continue at Moorlands that I can honour God.

Additional Prayer Points:

Miriam is back in New Zealand and we plan to get married pray that the God's hand will be on the big and small details

For me at college that I will continue to grow.

Thanks and Stay tune for Moor updates

God Bless Blitzy!!