Tuesday 26 February 2013

Fantastic February - Christchurch

Wow! February has just been jam packed and Christchurch continues to inspires me. It's a weird feeling through the people I've meet and the stories I've heard and there is an incredible excitement that I just can seem to get away from. So at the end of last month I was praying that things in here would be a bit more consistent and less up in the air and well God has answered my prayer and not in the way that I expected...


So I have now got myself a job and am now working for a company in Christchurch called City Care and I am part of the spraying team and my job is to help look after the waterways and road ways. The guys i work with are great and there has been plenty of banter and joking around. The days are long and im work mainly 10 hour day and so far the work has taken place in the red zones and these are areas of Christchurch that have been affected worst by the February 2011 earthquake and the city council still haven't really decided what they are going to do with these areas. All these homes and streets are just empty and its a weird feeling seeing all these abandoned homes. Like I said work is great and plenty of hours and good fun.


So I have now moved home I was staying with the Mountfort family (Jaisha's family) but due to work starting back and Alison needing her office. Although I promised Alison That I would have at least one meal a week with them and so Mountfort Thursdays were created. Also I have moved and am now staying with the Scott family (Miriam's family). They live in a beautiful house on the side of a hill so every day I get to wake up looking out at Christchurch. Bryan, Galen, Frazer and Miriam have been looking after me well and have been a really blessing whilst I have been here. Also I have currently joined a 5-a-side football team and am playing there regularly on a Tuesday night after work. I mainly bike around town for transport and living on the side of a hill is tiring on the old bike, but its good for me.


The church I have been going to Spreydon Baptist and I am getting myself involved with that as well, Spreydon recently joined churches with Halswell baptist and have now become South-West Community Church. We welcomed them into being part of the church last weekend where I learned (along with other people in the church) and performed a Haka and I loved it - Talk about a Kiwi experience!!! :)

I have also joined a cell group called focus and we meet regularly on a Wednesday evening and do food and bible study and the people at cell group are lovely and just awesome.

Also I have been helping with God warriors. This is an after school program at Linwood Junior School which runs every Monday and it's been great as the kids are awesome and I just hanging out with them.


I have only done a little travel whilst in Christchurch but obviously having a full time job there is only a limited amount of travelling I can do for the time being. I was invited to Cromwell by the Mountfort family and I have a fantastic time and enjoy the best BBQ I have ever had. So much good food, and was a good time of relaxing, I even feed a lamb and went swimming later on in the lake (not at the same time). Still got a few place still left to tick off on my Kiwi adventure and I am looking forward to more travel.

Other Exciting News
About two years ago on an Oak Hall Europe Tour I met a lovely girl named Miriam. Since then we have spent a lot of time together as good friends whilst she has been living in London. Miriam is now back in Christchurch and we have be spending some really good quality time together. So as of last week I ask Miriam if she would be my girlfriend and thanks be to God she said yes. Of course I am over the moon and I look forward to the journey ahead.

Points of prayer

Obviously eventually I will have to leave New Zealand and with Miriam I have been discussing the possibility of extending my visa to another year. Also I have been praying myself and really feel a sense of calling to Christchurch I can see a lot of potential and its exciting to see where things could go. So I guess just praying that God will guide me and protect me and help both me and Miriam to make the right decision.

Anyway God is still working in me and I'm really excited to grow in faith as I see his hand on me and Christchurch.

Thanks for reading
