Monday 28 January 2013

Undulating Christchurch - January

I have decided that i am only going to do a monthly blog for my time in Christchurch. As I am here for a few months mainly working it just seem silly to write pretty much the same things over and over again. I figured by the end of your blog reading you might end up with you face in the keyboard due to falling asleep.

 Blitzy's January -

So I have had a great Christmas and to kick start 2013 I decided to work at a kids camp call Te Mapua.

'At Te Mapua we care, love, nurture, guide, teach, mentor, encourage, clothe, feed, comfort, and pray for each child we are fortunate to share life with, through a range of support programmes. For some of our children, their needs are complex and challenging, for most their needs are what we all need – faith, hope and unconditional love'

I absolutely loved it and the kid were awesome, I made some really awesome friends and I was amazing to see these young guys (who could have been going out drinking on new year or partying it up) looking after these kids with such an energy and such a passion to see the kids lives transformed.

Camp finished and I was already staying with Jaisha Mountfort and her family - Rowan,Galen, Alison and David. who have blessed me so much by letting me share Christmas with them, trusting me to look after their house whilst they were away on holiday and of course letting me eat the food and sleep in a nice bed. I am enjoying living here and get on well with everyone!

Next task was to find a job!!! I had already email a load of gardening companies about finding work and I to my forture Tim Townsend emailed me back say that he was looking for a pilot for his franchise, and with me already running a gardening business back in England, he thought I was a good choice and so I am starting off working as a general worker and once a few of the staff who all seem to come from uni are back I will start franchising!
Tim seemed like a genuine bloke and I am happy to be working for him!

Although this month has had may high point unfortunately it has also had some low points. Tim Townsend suffers from Bi Polar and was self admitted in to hillmorton which is a special hospital where they can help him. Although I was amazed at the way that everyone pulled together during the last few weeks to try and make this business work. Even more impressed with Harriet his fiancĂ©e as she was trying to do a full time job and cover Tim's business, this have improved to hard as I got a text saying that there would be no more work. Of course it was more important that Tim was alright first so I understood. Also its time my USA Visa got sorted as I know its long process and the forms i needed still haven't arrived, Also my Ipod had an accident with a tarmac road (which made it look like the city it was currently living in - cracked and broken).
As well as many other things i was feeling stressed with everything so up in the air, i was almost ready to buy a plane ticket!

God is amazing in the way that he provides even in our lowest moment and its when we look back on them that we get a little glimpse of the his glory. For any of my friends who are travelling/ thinking of travelling it flipping hard!!! It worth every moment, because the people you meet and the experiences you share are life changing.  I feel that i am growing heaps as well both wtih God and in my relationship with others.

I still haven't got a job at this moment and so maybe this is a point of prayer as!

God Bless
