Wednesday 30 October 2013

Optimistic October - Christchurch and Perth

Hello everyone it's been a good year, in fact it's weird thinking that this time last year I was just starting my New Zealand Adventure. 

I am currently in Austrailia for a month, but before I tell you about my goings on in Oz I will let you know some interesting thing that have happen in New Zealand. 

New Zealand:-

So first thing is unfortunely myself and Miriam broke up, I came back from the states and really felt that God wanted me to go back to England and I also felt that I couldn't promise Miriam that it would go any further than where we were. I also felt that it wasn't fair to then ask her to move to the other side of the world. So WE both decided that it was for the best. We are still friends and I sure that it was the right decision. 

So I have also really been spending time with God lately and reading my bible and for the last few weeks of my time in Christchurch I have been going along to a Young peoples club to help out as a leader for intermediates and high schooler. I found that I had such a passion and came away from each night with such a buzzing feeling which I can only describe a Joy! I mean I would do a 10hr say with Treetech and be exhausted but as soon as I saw those kids I would just find this energy and I loved it.

So this is what I'm thinking of doing when I return to England maybe working with Kids as a youth pastor? It's still at the thinking and praying stage so maybe this is something I could get my blog follower to pray for.

So I have said a lot of goodbyes in Christchurch although I am return in about a couple of weeks time. There will be a lot of people I will miss. God has got it sorted and with guide me just as he did in New Zealand! 


So on to Oz, I am currently staying in Perth with my good friend Brooke and her parents. They have looked after me well and made me fill very welcome. I have also been working for a tree company here as well call associated tree services! They are a bit of a dodgy company but I am learning a lot there (as in how not to run a dodgy company) :) and because they are small company I get a bit more opportunity to learn new skills. 

Also I have done a lot of being a tourist I went and saw some kangaroo, held a kowala, I have official swum in ever ocean in the world and most importantly I have been to Fitzsimmonds pl the only Fitzsimmonds street in the world spelt exactly how my last name is spelt.

So yeah that's it for October really, I am in Perth for one more week and then off to see some Oakhallers. 

Thanks for reading!!


A picture a day for September